Quan Bottoms Signature line now available!

Quan Bottoms Signature Cymbals now available!

Tonum Cymbals have together with Quan Bottoms developed a signature line of cymbals that is now available! Kim´s Music is so far the only place to get them!

Check them out here:

You can design your own signature cymbals with Tonum!

"As we develop our model line and add more cymbals in to it we might come up with new concepts that will be embodied in various prototypes. FX cymbals and new surface finishes are always the first line of innovation and creative ideas in cymbal craft, and we as a company will constantly research and develop newer approaches to traditional handcrafted cymbal manufacturing."

Now You can also be part of this, and we can together develop the cymbal of Your dreams!

Got any ideas on your own unique sound?
Want something that nobody has ever seen, touched and played?
Let’s make it up together!

Click here for more info!

Tonum Cymbals are open for custom design and custom look orders: From your own logo or signature laser engraved, to a completely custom made cymbal tailored to your own personal vision and desired sound requirements.
Contact us and we will work it out for You!

Want to play the cymbals that Nick Menza (Megadeth) or Stven Adler (Guns´N Roses) play?

Stay tuned for our next brand of cymbals that will join us very soon!

Stay safe and keep drumming!

CEO Kim´s Music

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20 Jan 2021

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