Soultone Cymbals

Welcome to Soultone Cymbals

Soultone Cymbals offers a superior sound, feel and performance with excellent artist support for today’s most demanding performers. No matter what style or sound is desired by the performer, Soultone Cymbals delivers both traditional and modern sounds with less effort, more control, and, of course, beautiful, musical, rich tone. The touch and feel is unique and has a more responsive bounce to the stick allowing for improved precision without washing out the dynamics of the performance.

About Soultone Cymbals

Originally founded in 2003 by the legendary drummer, percussionist, and entrepreneur, Iki Levy, after struggling to address frustrations with the major cymbal manufacturers over quality issues. “I wanted to use the best products possible, and I had the opportunities, but I was not happy with anything those companies were producing – even with my product endorsements,” reports Iki. “The blend of the metals we use is our own process that employs a balance of proper weight and tone properties. This creates the real difference between Soultone Cymbals and any other brand.”

Iki’s performances include work with Thomas Dolby, Jann Arden, Midge Ure, Paula Abdul, Tracy Chapman, Donna Summer and the now cult-hit, Disney’s High School Musical, as well as many others. His approach crosses over each style and genre of music when it comes to sound quality. Originally, as the proprietor of the Los Angeles, CA drum specialty shop, The Drum Connection, he put his first Soultone models on the showroom floor with actual drums so that customers could try them as opposed to hanging them on a display. “The reaction was huge,” Iki continues, “and I could not produce them fast enough to meet the demand for even my own shop. I was not afraid to have high standards and wanted to create the very best quality.” Iki maintains a strict “120% perfection” policy in that each cymbal must meet his own specific quality controls. He does not sell anything that is not already exceeding expectations – if it is not perfect; it goes back to his facility.

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