Process against Tonum Cymbals and Anton Minchuk escalates

The legal process against fraudulent company Tonum Cymbals and their manager Anton Minchuk is escalating (see the post and newsletter from August 13th). Both have been reported to he Police, who is taking this very seriously, and Tonum and Anton Minchuk are both facing a law suit from us, as well as from many others, who have also been hustled by Anton Minchuk and Tonum Cymbals.

We have been contacted by many others also fooled by Tonum´s scam, and we recommend all to do the same: Report Anton Minchuk and Tonum Cymbals to the Police, contact a Lawyer and sue them both, and let a Debt Collection Company collect the money back to you. You are not going to have to go to court, the case is very clear.

We have the personal details of Anton Minchuk, as they can´t be found on the Tonum website, Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp. Let us know if you need this info for your police report or to help get your money back. This is not ending here. It is in everyone´s interest to stop these criminals!

12 Nov 2021

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