Masterwork Iris

While manufacturing the new Iris Cymbals, musicality and dynamics stood as traids in the focus. A trizonal playing area without captivating optics produces multi-layered, highly dissolving and powerful notes, which by the stronger stress of high and deep frequencies as well as diminished middles offer a modern range of sound to the player.

Sound clips:
Iris Crash 14"
Iris Crash 15"
Iris Crash 16"
Iris Crash 17"
Iris Crash 18"
Iris Crash 19"
Iris Crash 20"
Iris Hi-hats 13"
Iris Hi-hats 14"
Iris Hi-hats 14" Heavy
Iris Hi-hats 15"
Iris Ride 20"
Iris Ride 20" Heavy
Iris Ride 21"
Iris Ride 21" Heavy
Iris Ride 22"
Iris Ride 22" Heavy
Iris Splash 6"
Iris Splash 7"

Iris Splash 8"
Iris Splash 10"
Iris Splash 12"
Iris China 14"
Iris China 16"
Iris China 18"
Iris China 20"
Masterwork different Hi-hats comparison VIDEO
Masterwork Iris VIDEOS


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